If you can't connect to the App Store, iTunes Store, or
Jul 16, 2017 How to Fix "iPhone is Disabled, Connect to iTunes" [SOLVED] Jul 06, 2019 Cannot connect to iTunes or App Store Store errors? Try Mar 16, 2016 iTunes cannot connect to store? - iPhone, iPad, iPod
Jun 30, 2010
Jul 08, 2009 WhatsApp Messenger on the App Store Complaining Ok so I generally love the app. But with the new update came something peculiar about the voice message. Now you can keep listening to the voice even if you turned off the phone or switched to another app, but the catch is that if you’re listening to music and you start to listen to a voice the music doesn’t start automatically after you’re done listening to the voice. "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" - iPhone 4
Jul 16, 2017
Sep 22, 2015 iTunes cannot connect to iTunes Store in Windows 10 I have recently updated to Windows 10. I have also downloaded the current update of iTunes. However, when I try to open iTunes it gives me a message that says "iTunes cannot connect to the iTunes Store. Make sure your network connection is active and try again." I have tried to google this message and cannot seem to find the answer. iPhone won't update "can't connect to iTunes Store Jul 11, 2008 ios - How do I activate an iPhone 3Gs without iTunes or