May 16, 2020 · 10 Best DNS Servers (Free and Public) 1. Cloudflare DNS. Cloudflare is one of the world’s topmost company working in the web performance and security domain. 2. Google Public DNS. Google Public DNS service is probably one of the most popular free and public DNS servers on the 3. OpenDNS. OpenDNS

This is a list of Managed DNS providers in a comparison table. A Managed DNS Provider offers either a web-based control panel or downloadable software that allows users to manage their DNS traffic via specified protocols such as: DNS Failover, Dynamic IP addresses, SMTP Authentication, and GeoDNS. Most Internet users access a recursive server provided by their internet service provider to locate internet hosts such as BIG-IP DNS. F5 Networks product offers DNS as an authoritative server, recursive and adds additional security measures. Key advantage is to use the same application delivery controller to support DNS and The "fast" DNS providers use anycast routing to route your requests to a nearby server, which reduces latency. Also, any good DNS provider will keep logs at least for a short time to be able to defend against DDoS attacks and other security threats. My recommendation would be either Cloudflare or Quad9. Even Google DNS is acceptable IMO Returns latency measurements for each DNS provider on the basis of cached names, uncached, and dotcom lookup but it is best to run a customer query. More information here . Namebench DNS Providers list. DNS providers sorted by DNSPerf rank i Calculated using 40% performance + 45% uptime + 15% quality. based on data for last 30 days i. Calculated

Oracle Dyn DNS (domain name system) is an infrastructure-as-a-service that is touted by Oracle Dyne as one of the highest performance global networks existent. It is available as a managed DNS with secondary DNS available for more reliable business continuity on higher service tiers.

The "fast" DNS providers use anycast routing to route your requests to a nearby server, which reduces latency. Also, any good DNS provider will keep logs at least for a short time to be able to defend against DDoS attacks and other security threats. My recommendation would be either Cloudflare or Quad9. Even Google DNS is acceptable IMO Returns latency measurements for each DNS provider on the basis of cached names, uncached, and dotcom lookup but it is best to run a customer query. More information here . Namebench DNS Providers list. DNS providers sorted by DNSPerf rank i Calculated using 40% performance + 45% uptime + 15% quality. based on data for last 30 days i. Calculated Oct 10, 2019 · And of course having multiple DNS providers means that if one is taken down from a DDos attack you can always resort to your secondary. 10 Best Free DNS Hosting Providers for 2019. Here is a list of the top 10 free DNS hosting providers. 1. CloudFlare

Oct 10, 2018 · 10 Best free DNS hosting providers for 2018. 1. Hurricane Electric Internet Services. Hurricane Electric Internet Services provide a 100% free DNS hosting service with strong connectivity all 2. Cloudflare. 3. Rackspace.

CloudFlare is one of the most popular and affordable options for a ​DNS provider out there. If you’re looking at DNS hosting reviews, CloudFlare comes up consistently as a top-rated service. CloudFlare was also found to have the highest query speed worldwide.